Surface quality classes


For the delivery of hot rol­led bars ap­p­lies the DIN EN ISO 9443 . Acc. to part 4.2 "de­si­gna­ti­on" the re­qui­re­ments of the sur­face con­di­ti­on has to be men­tio­ned in the or­der. Due to the tech­ni­cal li­mits of ma­nu­fac­tu­ring and test me­thods the per­mis­si­ble part of in­cor­rect pro­ducts in the ent­i­re de­li­very unit must be fi­xed.

If the or­der as well as the applicable specification do not contain such a definition, SAH confirms “technical crack free”, if material is ordered with 100% crack testing.

If 100 % crack tested ma­te­ri­al is or­de­red, the in­cor­rect part of a delivery (minimum 5 tons) for rol­led steel can amount a ma­xi­mum of 1000 ppm. 

For de­li­ve­ries of bright steel the de­fi­ni­ti­ons of the EN 10277-1 ap­p­lies. The sur­face qua­li­ty clas­ses are fi­xed the­re. 

If the order as well as the applicable specification contains for­mu­la­ti­ons in the sen­se of: "be free of cracks" or "no sur­face de­fects al­lo­wed", then SAH con­firms sur­face qua­li­ty class 4 ac­cor­ding to EN 10277-1 "ma­nu­fac­tu­red tech­ni­cal­ly crack free".

If 100 % crack tested ma­te­ri­al is or­de­red, the in­cor­rect part of a delivery (minimum 5 tons)  for bright steel can amount a ma­xi­mum of 500 ppm.



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