Your expertise – tomorrow´s future today.


We are an attrac­tive em­ploy­er and im­portant eco­no­mic fac­tor in the re­gi­on, em­ploy­ing al­most 500 em­ployees. Stay­ing one step ahead in the de­ve­lop­ment of in­no­va­ti­ve pro­ducts and so­lu­ti­ons, com­bi­ned with our long-stan­ding ex­pe­ri­ence, ha­ve ma­de us a lea­ding glo­bal com­pa­ny in pro­ces­sing and re­fi­ning round steel bars and thre­ad bars.

The foun­da­ti­on of our suc­cess is our em­ployee­s´ high le­vel of qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on and ex­pe­ri­ence. The Anna­hütte team is in­fu­sed with the awa­ren­ess that our cur­rent mar­ket po­si­ti­on has be­en achie­ved due so­le­ly to the very high le­vel of com­mit­ment and mo­ti­va­ti­on of each and every mem­ber of our team.

You want join our team? Find more about job offers, education and training below.  

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