SAS thread bar systems –

Solutions for individual challenges in technical engineering.


Our SAS sys­tems fea­ture high qua­li­ty thre­ad bars of va­rious gra­des, up to pre­stres­sing steel qua­li­ty, in a ran­ge of dia­me­ters from 12 to 75 mm. We pro­vi­de va­rious sys­tem so­lu­ti­ons for a va­rie­ty of tech­ni­cal en­gi­nee­ring pur­po­ses, in­clu­ding thre­ad bar an­chors for mi­ning and tun­nel­ling, rein­force­ment con­nec­tions, form ties, tie rods, soil nails, mi­cro­pi­les, rock and soil an­chors for geo­tech­ni­cal ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons as well as pre­stres­sing ten­dons for post-ten­sio­ning.

Our SAS thre­ad bar sys­tems are used for con­nec­tions, form­work and an­cho­ra­ges and ha­ve be­en in­stal­led in lar­ge-sca­le con­struc­tion pro­jects world­wi­de. Whe­ther for buil­ding, un­der­ground, bridge or road con­struc­tion, tun­nel­ling or mi­ning, we can sup­p­ly the steel you need to get the job do­ne. In the tech­ni­cal en­gi­nee­ring sec­tor, our SAS sys­tem pro­ducts ha­ve ma­de us the lea­ding glo­bal sup­p­lier of hot-rol­led thre­ad bars.

Pro­vi­ding in­di­vi­dua­li­zed so­lu­ti­ons for spe­ci­fic cust­o­m­er re­qui­re­ments is a chal­len­ge we gl­ad­ly ac­cept.


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