SAS formwork systems

for connections and anchorages in civil and structural engineering.


SAS form ties and SAS form­work ac­cess­ories are used world­wi­de by well-known lea­ding form­work com­pa­nies and buil­ding contrac­tors to con­nect and an­chor con­cre­te form­works and scaf­fol­ding in ci­vil and struc­tu­ral en­gi­nee­ring pro­jects.

SAS form ties ha­ve be­en in­stal­led e.g. in the Pa­na­ma Ca­nal, World Tra­de Cen­ter and Ber­lin Go­vern­ment Buil­dings.

Alt­hough, form ties ma­ke up on­ly a re­la­tive­ly mi­nor part of the over­all form­work sys­tem costs, they are of es­sen­ti­al im­port­an­ce tech­ni­cal­ly. They ab­sorb and trans­fer all forces ac­ting on­to the form­works and working plat­forms. The­re­fo­re, ma­xi­mum qua­li­ty and re­lia­bi­li­ty must be ab­so­lu­tely en­su­red.

Whe­ther hot-rol­led of the gra­des SAS 900/1100 FA, SAS 900/1050 FC and SAS 850/950 FB or cold-rol­led of the gra­de SAS 850 FS,SAS form ties can be used for a wi­de va­rie­ty of so­lu­ti­ons in form­work en­gi­nee­ring.

Our ac­cess­ories meet equal­ly high qua­li­ty stan­dards. As a ru­le, they are tested up to the bar­s’ ul­ti­ma­te load.

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